Saturday, September 15, 2007


This was a lot of fun. I decided since it was approaching Halloween I thought I would give shooting tombstones a try. There were so many interesting ones I couldn't decided. I tried a b&w conversion but I think the midnight sepia looks better. It gives it kind of an old creepy look. So I think these 3 would look really good together.


pat said...

Janae--neat subjects; must be a cool cemetary. I like the midnight sepia conversion; it gives the photos a little more atmosphere.

periwinkle eye images said...

Hi Janae,
Your subject choices are perfect for your presentation! Great shots, with different angles and styles. I like that you chose the sepia - very effective.
(BTW, my sister's middle name is Janae and I have never heard it until seeing you here; hers is spelled exactly the same way. Often she goes by her names together, i.e. CaroleJanae.) ML

Mom-entarily Out of Order said...

Very good! Did you apply the Orton technique as well? These are wonderful.